


Technical Info.

Preparation for implementation of SEEMP Part III development and verification.
Registration date : 2022.07.07 Views : 530

Inaccordance with the amendments of MARPOL(International Convention for thePrevention of Marine Pollution from Ships) annex VI that were adapted at 76thsession of MEPC(Marine Environment Protection Committee), Carbon IntensityIndicators (CII) regulation of ships*(subject to MARPOL Annex VI reg 26.3) of5,000 gross tonnage and above engaged on international voyages will be comeinto from Jan 01st 2023. The ships subject to the CII rating shoulddevelop Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP Part III) and it shouldbe approved by Administration or an Recognized Organization(RO), and implementthe implementation plan specified in the plan.

* Bulk carrier, Gascarrier, Tanker, Containership, General cargo ship, Refrigerated cargo carrier,Combination carrier, Ro-ro cargo ship (vehicle carrier), Ro-ro cargo ship,Ro-ro passenger ship, LNG carrier and Cruise passenger ship

Korean Register(KR) will beauthorized by various flags including Republic of Korea and plan to provide theverification service.

This technical information wasissued to provide the information based on the revised guidelines for SEEMPdevelopment adopted in the 78th session of MEPC, SEEMP Part III sample/Format and information of Korean Register’s verification service on SEEMP PartIII.

† For the contents of SEEMP Part III, refer to the distributed sample (PDF), but it should be developed in consideration of each ships and shipping company's conditions.

* Attachment

  1. Preparation for implementation of SEEMP Part III development and verification(KOR)

  2. Preparation for implementation of SEEMP Part III development and verification(ENG) 

  3. Sample of SEEMP Part III(ENG) - PDF version

  4. Format of SEEMP Part III(ENG) - Word version

# Link for download Format(Word) of SEEMP Part III[Format]%20Sample%20of%20SEEMP%20Part%20III_rev00.docx